Alloy Design Lab MEMBER


Soohyun Kim

2Doctoral Course
Research interest

Hot Ductility of Steel

Grain Boundary Segregation

Fracture Behavior in Steels


  • 2021.02 - present

Ph.D. candidate in Graduate Institute of Ferrous & Energy Materials Technology, POSTECH, Korea

  • 2018.03 - 2020.02

M.S. in Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, POSTECH, Korea

  • 2011.03 - 2018.02

B.S. in Materials Engineering, Korea Aerospace University, Korea


  • Seong-Bum Kim, Soo-Hyun Kim, Jung-Wook Cho*, "High temperature endurable metal matrix composite reinforced with continuously networked TiN." Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 889 (2022).
  • Yoon‑Uk Heo*, Chang‑Gon Jeong, Soo‑Hyun Kim, Gun‑Young Yoon, T. T. T. Trang, Youngyun Woo, Eun Yoo Yoon, Young‑Seon Lee, "EPMA quantification on the chemical composition of retained austenite in a Fe-Mn-Si-C-based multi-phase steel", Applied Microscopy, 52 (2022).


  • 2022 한국현미경학회 추계학술대회 우수 포스터발표상, "저탄소강의 고온 연성에 미치는 MX석출물의 영향 연구"
  • 2021 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 학생구두발표 우수상, "저탄소강의 고온연성에 미치는 불순물(P,S)의 입계편석 영향 연구"