Yeon Seok Kim
- 3Master Course
- Research interest
Alloy Design
Microstructure Characterization
Fracture Behavior in Steels
- 2023.02 - present
M.S. in Graduate Institute of Ferrous & Energy Materials Technology(GIFT), POSTECH, Korea
- 2016.03 -2023.02
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea
- Donwon Lee, Yeon-Seok Kim, T.T.T. Trang, Won-Tae Cho, Myeong-Hun Kang, Jae Sang Lee, Chang Hee Yim, Yoon-Uk Heo*, "Internal oxidation behavior and its effect on the surface crack formation in a Fe-Mn-Al-C high Mn steel", Engineering Failure Analysis, 166 (2024) 108895
- 이전글Junghoon Won